While most start rehab, not being able to wait until it’s over, many get into rehab and begin to worry about what happens after rehab treatment ends. However, recovery continues after rehab with post-rehab programs and community support meetings.

At Evolve Indy, we offer extensive treatment opportunities for clients to continue their treatment after drug rehab. In addition, we believe that through our trusted recovery community, we can support the transition to outpatient and aftercare through group and individual therapy.

Contact a treatment coordinator today to see how we can use your substance abuse treatment to support your recovery after rehab.

What Does Rehab Entail?

When a person goes to rehab for a substance use disorder, there are several things they can expect to occur during this time. Rehabilitation centers provide comprehensive care to their clients to provide a thorough and supportive combination of therapy so that clients can maintain their sobriety after the program is finished. During rehabilitation, clients can expect individual therapy, group therapy, and time to work on an aftercare plan.

How Do I Know if I Need Rehab Treatment?

Deciding if you need rehab treatment is a personal choice. You are the one that needs to decide to stay clean. If you’re unsure or asking yourself if you need rehabilitation, the chances are that you probably need some support through either inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation. Each type of treatment caters to different needs.

Inpatient treatment is for individuals with moderate to severe substance use disorders, comorbid mental health disorders, those who have lapsed or relapsed in outpatient treatment, and those who do not have a structured and drug-free environment to go home to.

Outpatient treatment is most beneficial for individuals with mild to moderate substance use disorders but who do not have a comorbid mental health disorder. It is important to note that the structure of outpatient addiction treatment requires dedication and motivation to complete. This means that clients who have already completed a treatment program may benefit from outpatient treatment.

What Happens After Rehab Ends?

After rehab ends, clients may feel a sense of anxiety. However, there are many post-rehab programs that clients can attend that help them address the questions they may have about what happens after rehab. 

After rehab ends, clients have several options depending on the type of treatment they complete. 

Clients who have completed an inpatient treatment program can choose to attend an outpatient treatment program to continue their progress and help transition back into the public. 

Inpatient and outpatient program completers also have the opportunity to attend local community meetings to continue their rehabilitative progress. Community programs can be used regularly or as needed following the completion of treatment programs. 

What is Aftercare in Addiction Treatment?

Aftercare in addiction treatment focuses on supporting clients to develop a plan that answers the question “What happens after rehab?” This question worries and bothers many. However, during rehabilitation, it is easy for clients to focus on the present, where they are not faced with some of the outside challenges that the world presents when it comes to substances. 

After drug rehab, clients need to consider their options when it comes to continued treatment and continued recovery after rehab. During aftercare, clients also develop plans for who they can ask for support, what supports they have access to and ways to maintain their sobriety through activities, self-care plans, and sober team outings.

How to Find Aftercare Programs

Aftercare programs are available through most treatment programs and are part of many outpatient treatments. Clients looking to continue the supportive addiction treatment they received in inpatient treatment or those looking to continue their work after a lapse or relapse should look no further than Evolve Indy. Evolve Indy offers the perfect opportunity for clients to transition back into the world through partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient treatment programs. 

At Evolve Indy, we can help you start fresh, restart, or continue the hard work that you’ve already started. We believe in building a local community of support for our clients so that when they face the struggles of life after treatment, they have a person, a plan, and a place to fall back on. 

See how our aftercare program can help you maintain sobriety.


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