Many do not realize substance use disorders and mental health disorders often intersect, but it is pretty common. Those who struggle with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health disorders often turn to alcohol and drugs as a way to self-medicate their symptoms. While they may not realize that they are self-medicating a mental health disorder, research shows that about half of those who struggle with drug addiction have a mental health disorder. Watching your loved one struggle at the intersection of depression and drug addiction is heartbreaking. You may be left wondering how to help someone with drug addiction and depression.
At Evolve Indy, we not only understand the relationship between mental health and drug addiction, but we also know that you can’t treat one without treating the other. We have a wide range of therapies and tools to help you or your loved one manage depression while breaking free from addiction.
What Are Signs of Depression?
Depression is so much more than feeling a little sad. Those suffering from depression may experience a range of symptoms, including anxiety, apathy, loss of interest in activities, inability to concentrate, and sadness. Often the symptoms can be confusing. They might be extraordinarily sleepy, or you may struggle with insomnia. Likewise, they may have a loss of appetite or be excessively hungry. As you examine your or your loved one’s symptoms, you must look at when the symptoms started and how long they are lasting. You may also look at what may have triggered the symptoms. It is expected to feel down for a few days or even a couple of weeks after the end of a relationship or the loss of a job. However, if they’re struggling with depression several weeks later or the symptoms worsen, clinical depression may be the diagnosis. It is vital to note that sometimes depression can lead to thoughts of suicide or self-harm. If they are engaging in self-harm or are thinking about suicide, you should immediately seek professional help for them.
What Are the Signs of Drug Addiction?
If your loved one is struggling with depression, it may be that much more complex to recognize the signs of drug addiction. Your loved one may already be isolated from their friends and family. They may already be having mood swings or having trouble fulfilling their family or work obligations. When mental health disorders and drug addiction intersect, you may have to look more closely to see the signs of drug addiction. You’ll also want to understand how to help someone with drug addiction and depression before you start having conversations about getting help. Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and compulsive use, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. When someone is active in their addiction, getting more drugs and using them becomes the primary focus. For the person also facing depression, they may be using drugs to self-medicate their depression. This is especially true if they do not know they have depression. Your role is to be an undercover detective. Look for physical changes in your loved one. Keep your eyes open for paraphernalia associated with drug use. Follow your gut because you know them better than anyone.
How To Help Someone With Drug Addiction And Depression
At Evolve Indy, we can support you and your loved ones as you navigate depression and addiction. We know the intricacies of loving someone struggling with addiction, and we are here to help. Our compassionate and professional staff can help you determine the best course of action for you and your loved one. We care about their success, and we understand how to help them find long-term sobriety.
Our programs range from partial hospitalization with housing to outpatient and incorporate a multi-faceted therapeutic and holistic approach. We will partner with your loved one to create an individualized treatment plan that blends traditional and holistic therapies to best support your loved one and their recovery. Contact us today to see how we can best help you and your loved one in the journey to sobriety.