One of the scariest things about starting addiction treatment is leaving your home and family to attend an inpatient program. While certain phases of treatment – especially the detox stage – will require you to have little contact with your friends and family, having the support of your loved ones is also crucial for your ongoing recovery. At Evolve Indy, we strive to facilitate the inclusion of your family throughout your recovery journey.
Dealing with separation from your family during rehab
When you first begin treatment, you may elect to join our residential inpatient program to undergo detox. In this stage, you will be required to focus all of your efforts and energy on detox and combatting acute withdrawal symptoms. This process will require separation from your family, which can be a challenging and daunting prospect. The good news is that this stage is generally relatively short. Although you may feel lonely for a few weeks, it’s only temporary. Remind yourself that you are doing this not just for you, but to become the best parent you can be to your child, making the time spent with them in the future more rewarding for both of you.
Visits and phone calls while attending rehab
During partial hospitalization, the intensive outpatient program, and flexible outpatient treatments, you’ll have more opportunities to connect with your children and family (though this amount will vary depending on the program). After detox, you will be able to speak to your family over the phone. Inpatient clients will also be able to see their children during visiting hours.
During in-person visits, do your best to make the visit fun for your kids and make the most of the time you have together. With fewer opportunities to do so, it’s important to be affectionate and tell them that you love them. Depending on how old they are, consider being upfront with them about the situation. They will respect your honesty and the conversation will bring you closer.
Why separation from your children is worth it while at a drug rehab center
Though separation from your children is difficult, remember that you’ve chosen to receive treatment to regain control of your life and become a better person. These benefits will not only positively affect your own life but will rub off on your children as well. Those that suffer from severe addiction prioritize the addiction over everything else in their lives – including their children. By making the brave first step to get the help you need to overcome this addiction, you’re on your way to becoming the parent your children need you to be.
Building and maintaining a relationship with your children
At Evolve Indy, we recognize how important your family is to the success of your treatment. Unfortunately, addiction often does not just affect the person suffering from substance abuse, but also those that they are closest with. This can lead to damaged relationships that are difficult to heal.
We offer a family program to help heal your relationships and bring you closer to your family and children. Therapy can help your family understand your addiction, express anxieties, fears, and frustrations, and begin to rebuild the trust that has been lost. Strengthening your bond with your children can help you maintain long-term sobriety after the active treatment process has ended.