
There are Cigna rehabs that provide in-network care for policyholders. To find treatment at an in-network Cigna rehab, clients can speak with a Cigna representative or contact a preferred treatment center to verify Cigna insurance coverage.

At Evolve Indy, we work with clients to provide an outpatient treatment option in Indiana that works to meet their addiction and rehabilitation needs. In addition, by building a community of like-minded individuals, clients can find structure and support through their peers.

Contact us today to verify your Cigna insurance coverage.

What Are the Signs Someone Needs Addiction Treatment?

Addiction treatment is necessary for a number of people and for many reasons. If a diagnosis is to occur, clients must have three or more of the following addiction symptoms in a 12-month period:

  • Cravings
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Interference with family, school, or work
  • Increased risk-taking behavior
  • Legal issues related to the use of alcohol
  • Having to drink more to produce the same effect
  • Find yourself drinking more than intended
  • Trying to quit drinking, but being unable to
  • Spend the majority of your time drinking or thinking about drinking
  • Cutting back on important activities to accommodate drinking or recovering

If you feel that you or your loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to immediately seek out a medical professional. An alcohol use disorder can be deadly. By getting treatment early on, you can hopefully avoid a majority of the negative symptoms that can accompany addiction and detoxification.

Does Cigna Insurance Pay for Alcohol Rehab?

Cigna insurance covers substance abuse rehabilitation options under many of its policies. Clients who seek to verify their insurance coverage through Cigna need only call or chat online with a representative to determine the level, amount, and cost of care through an approved in-network rehabilitation center. 

Are There In-Network Rehabs for Cigna Insurance?

Are There In-Network Rehabs for Cigna Insurance?

Cigna covers a wide variety of in-network rehabilitation centers that provide clients with options at all treatment levels and through all needs groups. Cigna insurance covers inpatient rehab, partial hospitalization programs, and intensive outpatient and outpatient therapy for clients struggling with substance abuse. While many treatment programs may require a prescription from a doctor, having a substance abuse diagnosis typically qualifies you for coverage.

Outpatient treatment is the most common treatment covered by Cigna insurance. Many individuals can benefit from outpatient treatment. Treatment takes place between one and three nights a week and consists of individual meetings with a therapist or counselor and group therapy sessions with a designated group.

The next level of care is more intensive. Partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs often require a doctor’s prescription and preapproval for treatment. Clients in this category often struggle with a more severe substance use disorder and have not been successful in outpatient treatment. Clients spend a portion of their day in therapy and focus on rehabilitation through this process. 

Lastly, clients who require inpatient residential treatment must seek preapproval from their insurance and have a doctor’s prescription for coverage. Individually, these clients often suffer from the most severe substance use disorder or have a substance use disorder with an additional mental health disorder that causes complications with withdrawal and treatment. Clients live and work through their treatment at a facility designed to provide comprehensive treatment and care through this process. 

How to Find In-Network Cigna Treatment Centers Near Me

To find Cigna treatment centers near me, clients must speak with a representative or search their online website to see a list of in-network treatment centers.

Another way to search is to find a treatment center you like and speak with an admissions counselor to verify your insurance. Either way, they should be able to verify your insurance and give you a percentage of the cost or a more exact price based on who you speak with.

At Evolve Indy, we offer intensive outpatient treatment and outpatient treatment designed with the idea of building community and support through sustainable recovery. Clients in our programs have access to individual and group therapy and medical professionals who can help you every step of the addiction treatment process.
Contact Evolve Indy to your insurance and see if our outpatient programs in Indiana are the best fit for your addiction treatment needs.


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