
Finding support for addiction doesn’t have to be challenging. If you are looking at getting help if you’re unemployed while at treatment centers, there are different types of support to make sure that you get the treatment you need without any of the financial pressures. 

Your Options for Getting Help

For some people, the cost of rehab is too much. There are those who struggle with the financial cost of addiction, and for these people, the idea of entering any program for addiction recovery, such as partial hospitalization, may seem impossible. But there are options and public assistance, including the following:

Finding Cheap Rehab centers

One way to find cheaper rehab facilities is through government initiatives. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides a search tool to help you find nearby treatment centers.

State-Funded Free Drug Rehab Program

Many sites offer addiction treatments through public mental health or substance abuse centers. The centers require the person seeking treatment to be an official resident in the state and need to provide proof of lack of income and insurance. 

Government Funding for Drug and Alcohol Rehab

State-funded substance abuse programs come under the banner of government funding. This can benefit many people, despite the perceived cost of rehab. Many treatment programs, especially impatient ones, are cost-prohibitive for a large number of people. However, many rehab centers partner with insurance providers to cover treatment costs. 

Getting Help If You're Unemployed While At Treatment Centers

The Cost of Treatment

The cost of a treatment program will range from a variety of factors. They can include the following:

  • If the person receives inpatient or outpatient treatment
  • How long the individual stays with the program. 
  • The amenities provied in the center. 
  • If there is a dual diagnosis, such as a co-occurring mental health disorder or other condition. 

The Benefits of Funding and Grants

The importance of funding for substance and alcohol abuse is effective, not just for individuals who need the treatments or are unable to pay for them, but it proves beneficial for people in society as those who complete treatment are better equipped to be effective members of the community. 

How Rehab Can Help Unemployed People

States provide free substance abuse help for people who are unemployed or not earning money and state centers can provide inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as follow-up support services. The programs offer the relevant amenities, but may not provide the most up-to-date treatment methods. It is important to note that in these scenarios, a large portion of the care is outpatient or detox-oriented.

Many people avoid getting treatment for fear that it could harm their career or hinder their ability to get hired by future employers. However, studies have shown that people who get treatment for addiction are more likely to keep their jobs. In fact, many get a better one after completing their treatment. It is important to note that if you or your loved one is concerned about their abilities to either pay for a treatment program, or if it impacts their abilities to hold down a job, there is support to cover both areas.

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