
What are enabling behaviors? How can you tell if you’re engaging in them, and how can you stop? This blog post will answer those questions and more. It is important to understand what enabling behaviors are, especially if you’re a loved one of someone who is struggling with addiction. 

By learning about these behaviors and how to avoid them, you can make a big difference in your loved one’s recovery.

Recognizing Enabling Behaviors

Enabling behaviors are defined as any behavior that allows the person with an addiction to continue their behavior without facing consequences. These can include providing money, making excuses for their behavior, or ignoring the problem altogether. 

For example, if a family member continues to bail out someone with an addiction from jail, they are enabling their behavior and not allowing them to face the consequences of their actions.

Understanding Why They Occur

Enabling behaviors often occur when a loved one or someone struggling with addiction wants to help them but doesn’t know how. They may be afraid of making matters worse or being too harsh in dealing with the addiction. 

This lack of knowledge and fear can lead to unintentionally helping perpetuate the cycle of addiction. For example, if a loved one continues to provide financial support, they are likely enabling the addiction instead of helping their family member.

The Effects on Recovery

Enabling behaviors can have a huge negative impact on a person’s recovery from addiction. By not holding them accountable for their actions, they are more likely to continue using drugs or alcohol. 

This can lead to a worsening of their addiction and make it even harder for them to break the cycle. For example, if a family member continues to give them money, they may use it to purchase drugs or alcohol instead of seeking treatment.

How to Stop Enabling Behaviors

If you’re a loved one of someone struggling with addiction, it’s important to realize when you may be engaging in enabling behaviors. To do this, take an honest look at how your actions are impacting the person’s recovery. 

If you find that your behavior is helping them avoid facing consequences, it’s time to make some changes. For example, instead of providing money, you can offer to help them seek treatment. This can be an invaluable resource in their recovery journey and will provide the support they need to make a true change.

Alternative Ways to Help

It can be difficult to stop enabling behaviors, but there are ways you can still provide help and support. Instead of giving money or making excuses for them, focus on helping them get into a good treatment program. 

You can also talk to the person honestly about the consequences they face if they don’t get help and offer positive reinforcement when they make progress in recovery.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’re struggling to stop enabling behaviors or are having difficulty addressing the addiction with your loved one, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. A therapist can provide support and guidance as you navigate this difficult situation. They can also provide resources and strategies for helping your loved one combat their addiction.

Enabling behaviors are common among those dealing with a loved one’s addiction. It is important to understand what these behaviors are, why they occur, and how to stop them. By recognizing when you may be inadvertently helping perpetuate the cycle of addiction, you can make an impactful change in your loved one’s recovery journey. 

Moreover, seeking outside help from a professional can also aid in finding positive solutions that benefit both parties involved.

The team at Evolve Indy recognizes that addiction is a complex issue and that no single approach will work for everyone. To this end, they tailor their treatment plans for each individual based on their unique needs. 

They also use an array of outcome measures to track progress over time so that clients can get the most out of their experience with the program. Evolve Indy values collaboration among its staff members as well as its clients’ family members in order to build strong relationships that promote recovery. 

This includes regular communication about progress towards goals as well as providing access to additional resources such as 12-step programs or other support groups if needed. By taking an integrative approach that combines traditional methods with modern techniques, Evolve Indy works hard to ensure that every client achieves a successful recovery experience. 
Through tailored treatment plans, holistic therapies, and an emphasis on collaboration between team members and families they strive to create an environment where everyone feels seen and supported throughout the process. For more information, please contact the team at Evolve Indy today to learn how they can help.

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