
One of the saddest truths about addiction is that it is a lonely place to be. Those who suffer from addiction often alienate most or all of their family and friends. Addicts will eventually feel like they can no longer relate to the people around them. Addiction is so consuming that usually, the only thing an addict thinks about is getting high.

Group therapy for addiction is one way to stop feeling so alone during early sobriety. Being in a group with others who face the same struggles can be exceptionally comforting. Learning and processing, as part of a group, can be less stressful and even more fun. At Evolve Indy, we understand the benefits of blending various therapies and modalities to help you succeed in getting and staying sober. 

How Is Group Therapy for Addiction Different Than Individual Therapy?

Group therapy can take some of the pressure off by reducing the focus on you. In individual therapy, you will find yourself in a room with your counselor, and the topics will always revolve around you. In group therapy, you will participate in treatment with other individuals who are also in treatment for addiction. Group therapy allows you to watch others in their recovery and listen to their experiences as they recover. Additionally, group therapy may focus on a particular skill that will serve everyone in the group, helping you feel less singled out. Skills groups may focus on coping, parenting, communication, or social skills. Group therapy allows you to relearn how to socialize with others and develop shared interests with your peers. Finally, group therapy can have an educational focus where all participants learn more about addiction, general health information, or other related topics. 

Benefits of Group Therapy for Addiction

While individual therapy has its place in addiction treatment, group therapy has a lot of benefits. Because the group will often have people in varying stages of recovery, those newer to recovery can learn from those who may be a little further down the path. Likewise, those who are a bit further along in recovery can see how far they’ve come when listening to the struggles of those who have just arrived in treatment. Group therapy also inherently helps you to start building a support network within recovery.  While you may not necessarily connect with everyone at treatment, you will likely form close friendships that will continue beyond treatment. Participating in group therapy allows you to encourage your group members and receive encouragement from your peers. 

Group therapy can also be very beneficial when set up according to a common interest such as parenting. Such a group would allow everyone to discuss their struggles as parents in recovery and possibly brainstorm solutions to these issues. Likewise, group therapy can be beneficial for different reasons when the group is diverse. Learning how to deal with people different than us is a massive part of life in recovery. Sometimes participation in group therapy can raise issues that you can then bring to your individual therapy session to explore more deeply.

How to Get Help With an Addiction

At Evolve Indy, we have programs to meet your needs no matter what the factors that led up to your addiction. Whether you are getting sober for the first time, returning from a relapse, or needing extra support in your sobriety, we are here. We care about your success in recovery. We have a wide variety of programs that blend traditional and non-traditional therapies to treat addiction. Our programs range from residential to outpatient and include a variety of therapy formats. We will work with you to find the best fit for you. Contact us today to see how we can best support you in your journey to sobriety. 

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