
To overcome addiction it is necessary to have some sense of structure, and at a rehabilitation facility, that sense of structure is always underpinned by rules. While it is important to ensure an environment that permits self-expression, there are some regulations that have to be upheld. While the rules of a sober living house will differ between facilities, the following are a few examples of what you can expect to see.

No drugs, no alcohol

What Are The Rules Of A Sober Living House

People come to a residential facility to get away from the situations that trigger and enable their use, so the presence of drugs at a sober living facility is something on which 99.9% of facilities have a zero-tolerance policy. In states where medical marijuana is legal, some facilities may allow possession of marijuana as part of a treatment process. However, harder drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and crystal meth are prohibited.

It is also expected that alcohol will be prohibited at any sober living facility. Even if the facility is not one that deals with alcohol dependency, the presence of alcohol can be a trigger for many patients. Furthermore, the therapeutic value is negligible, therefore as a rule it is prohibited at rehabilitation facilities.

Visitors must respect the rules of a sober living house

The above rules on intoxicants are not limited to the residents at a facility – friends, and family who visits an individual in recovery will also be expected to abide by the regulations. Not only should they not bring drinks or drugs onto the property, but they also must not be under the influence of any intoxicant during their time on site. In addition, visitors will be expected to respect the sense of community that is expected to exist at a sober living facility. This means being respectful of people’s right to live in peace, keeping noise to a minimum, and treating other residents with respect at all times.

Acknowledging the community spirit

What Are The Rules Of A Sober Living House

Residents in a rehabilitation facility are expected to ensure that they do not make life harder for their fellow residents, as a minimum. In fact, they will be expected to shoulder their share of the work in keeping the facility within an acceptable condition; cleaning and tidying as well as taking part in any chores that need to be done on-site. In addition, residents will be expected to be supportive of their co-residents; encouraging their efforts to get clean and sober and providing positive reinforcement where appropriate. The written rules may vary between facilities, but it is acknowledged that a supportive environment offers the best chance for a full recovery.

Engaging with the program

Not only will you be expected to assist others in their recovery; if you are a resident in a sober living facility, you will be expected to participate fully in your own treatment. That means engaging with such meetings as you are expected to attend; participating in those meetings, and approaching your stay in the facility as the opportunity that it is. Treating a stay in a rehab facility with anything other than the commitment it requires may mean you are asked to leave the program before you have completed it. This is for the good of attendees who are engaging with the program and whose recovery may be jeopardized by another individual failing to show that level of commitment.

Remember the rules of a sober living house are there to give the residents the best chance to overcome their addictions. To learn more about the benefits of a facility and a program designed to achieve sobriety in a supportive environment, feel free to call us at Evolve Indy.

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