
Loving someone who is struggling with addiction can be a very lonely position. While many are working to decrease the stigma associated with addiction, much work remains to be done. Because of this, you may feel like you must hide your family member’s addiction and how it is affecting you. The good news is that you do not have to shoulder the burden alone. By seeking out and attending Al-Anon meetings, you will connect with a community of others facing similar struggles. That is the beauty of Al-Anon Indiana; it is a community of people who share their experiences of loving someone who suffers from addiction. You’ll hear from others facing the same struggles and break free from the isolation of loving an addict. At Evolve Indy, we understand the isolation of addiction extends into the family, and we are here to support you. 

What Is Al-Anon?

Al-Anon was founded by Lois W., the wife of Bill W., who founded Alcoholics Anonymous. The primary purpose of Al‑Anon is to provide support to the friends and families of alcoholics. While Al-Anon was created to support those who love an alcoholic, all those dealing with a loved one’s addiction are welcome. Much like Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon Indiana has twelve steps, twelve traditions, and the suggestion to work with a sponsor to work the steps. Functioning as a peer support group, Al-Anon is made up of members who have found themselves with a loved one facing active alcoholism or active addiction. Meetings are held all over the world, in-person and online. Al-Anon also led to the formation of Alateen, which provides support to teens affected by a loved one’s addiction, and Adult Children of Alcoholics, which is geared toward those raised in an alcoholic or dysfunctional home. 

Why Al-Anon Indiana Is Important

Addiction is a lonely place to be, both for the addict and the family of the addict. Al-Anon Indiana members share their experience, strength, and hope as families who love people active in their alcoholism or addiction. It is this sharing that makes Al-Anon such a critical resource to families. As a peer support group, it provides a community of others facing similar situations. However, no one is an expert, and no one offers advice. Instead, Al-Anon retains the purpose of helping its members not be consumed by a loved one’s alcoholism or addiction. Instead of providing direction, Al-Anon members offer each other support and an opportunity to look at their own behavior. While the addict or alcoholic must take responsibility for their actions, so must those who love them. Al-Anon Indiana offers you a way to examine your behavior and find ways to cope with another’s addiction. When you love someone, you may find it difficult to separate yourself from the insanity of their addiction. Al-Anon can help you do that in a way that enables you to find peace around your decisions. Much like an addict or alcoholic is powerless over their drug of choice, you are powerless over their addiction. Accepting this is the first step. 

How Evolve Indy Can Help Your Loved One With Their Addiction

At Evolve Indy, we know all about loving those who struggle with addiction. We have programs to meet your loved one’s needs. We care about their success in recovery. We have a wide variety of programs that blend traditional and non-traditional therapies to treat alcoholism and addiction. Our programs range from residential to outpatient, and we will work with you to find the best fit for you. Contact us today to see how we can best support you in your journey to sobriety. 


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