
If you struggle with addiction and you’re considering alcohol treatment or drug treatment, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, uncertain, and even scared. Checking into an Indiana addiction treatment facility can be the first step on your journey toward a life of sobriety. 

But, it’s normal to have questions. 

Don’t let the uncertainty of rehab keep you from getting the treatment you need, or keep you from helping someone you love. Let’s go over some questions you should ask before going to rehab.

1. How Long Does Treatment Typically Take? 

Everyone is different when it comes to their recovery journey. There are many factors that come into play to determine how long treatment will take, so it’s hard to give a specific timeline. It depends on which substances are being abused, whether there are any other mental health issues to consider, and the type of care and resources the individual needs. 

2. What Will Treatment Be Like?

If you’ve never been to rehab before, this is a perfectly normal question! Again, it’s a different experience for everyone. A counselor within the rehab program can help you find answers when it comes to what you can expect each day, and what emotions you might feel along the way so you’re better equipped to handle them. 

3. Will Your Family Receive Support?

Addiction impacts families as well as the individual who is struggling with it. Families are typically provided with information and the right resources needed to support and encourage their loved ones in rehab. 

4. Will There Be Aftercare?

It’s sometimes easy to think that walking out of a rehab facility after a period of treatment means you’ll be totally “cured” of your addiction forever. However, aftercare is often just as important as your time in rehab. The real world can be overwhelming for someone after completing rehab treatment, so aftercare is meant to help you ease your way back into your life and help you to maintain sobriety while learning how to live a clean lifestyle. 

5. Is Rehab Safe?

Those who struggle with addiction can sometimes pose a threat to themselves or the people around them. Rehab facilities are designed to be safe and secure environments so every individual who walks in can grow, succeed, and find freedom from their addiction. 

6. Can You Continue Your Education While in Rehab? 

It’s imperative to know your options if you want to continue your education while in rehab. In some cases, it may be possible, but it’s important to talk individually with a counselor to learn more about what those options are. 

7. Will Rehab Teach Any Life Skills? 

Stepping back out into the real world can be scary and can lead to anxiety and depression if you’re not prepared. That’s why learning how to manage those emotions and work on important life skills is necessary for rehab. 

8. Is Nutrition an Important Factor? 

Your individual diet will be recognized when you’re in a treatment facility. Proper nutrition is an important part of the recovery process. 

9. Is Rehab Effective? 

One of the most important questions to have about rehab is whether or not it will work for you. Different methods of counseling and therapy used throughout treatment are meant to guide you into a life of sobriety that you can maintain forever. It’s okay to talk to the counselors at a rehab center about ways in which the program is successful and how they’ll help you to achieve success, too. 

10. Will Health Insurance Cover Rehab?

In many cases, health insurance will cover the cost of treatment. If yours doesn’t, however, there are other funding options to consider including payment plans or the use of Medicaid, if you qualify. 

11. Can You Extend Your Time in Rehab?

Again, there’s not always a precise timeline for those in rehab. But, when your treatment is done and you don’t feel as though you’re ready to leave the facility, it’s normal to want to make sure you have all of the resources you need for long-term sobriety. Leaving before you’re truly ready could make the temptations of the real world feel too burdensome and overwhelming. 

12. Is Detox Necessary?

Detox isn’t always necessary for those entering rehab. For others who are actively using, it may be one of the first courses of action taken to enroll you in the treatment program. 

It is the top priority of our trusted counselors to answer any other questions you may have about drug rehab. Feel free to contact us with any more questions or concerns

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