
Recovering from addiction is a long and challenging process. Those in recovery have to not only rid their bodies of toxic substances but also relearn how to take care of themselves. This is why self-care should be incorporated into addiction treatment and form part of inpatient to outpatient programs.

What is Self-Care and Its Importance in Recovery

These days when most people think about self-care, they imagine going on spa breaks, getting massages, or mani-pedis. However, self-care is deeper than that, especially in addiction recovery.

When an individual is addicted to drugs or alcohol, their time is spent feeding that habit. Other aspects of their lives often end up neglected from their physical, emotional, and mental health to their relationships and professions.

Self-care can help support recovery by helping these individuals learn how to cope with the challenges of both addiction and recovery. It helps them gain control over their lives, boosting their confidence and self-esteem, which in turn motivates them to put more effort into recovery and rebuilding their lives.

Additionally, self-care helps those in recovery to become more resilient through developing healthy coping mechanisms to manage anxiety, stress, and other triggers that may lead to relapse.

The Importance of Self-Care in Addiction Recovery

Helpful Self-Care Strategies for Addiction Recovery

At Evolve Indy, we recognize the importance of self-care in complementing treatment and incorporate it into our individualized treatment plans. Some of the self-care practices we encourage our clients to pursue include:

  • Meditation – Meditation is a great way for those in recovery to recognize the patterns in their behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. It also helps promote their overall well-being by reducing anxiety and stress.
  • Journaling – Journaling provides a simple and therapeutic way for people to express and unburden their thoughts and emotions.
  • Exercising – Regular physical activity improves recovery by helping reduce depression and anxiety while boosting an individual’s energy, improving their sleep, and providing something constructive to focus on.
  • Spending time in nature – Through our adventure program, we help those in recovery to relax and rejuvenate while interacting and bonding with others.
  • Connecting with others – We have different strategies to help clients build healthy social relationships with others. This includes group therapy which is a crucial part of our partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs, as well as our family therapy program which helps rebuild family relationships.

Addiction Treatment Programs That Promote Self-Care

At Evolve Indy, we recognize that holistic care has better outcomes for recovery from addiction. That is why we promote self-care as part of the recovery process. By encouraging clients to take care of themselves, we empower them to take control of addiction and rebuild lives that are free from dependence on alcohol or drugs.

Our rehab facility in Indiana provides a conducive environment for those in need to recover and rediscover themselves. Contact us today to learn more about our full continuum of addiction treatment and how we can help you beat addiction and go on to live a healthier more fulfilling life.

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