When we think of addiction treatment, we think of detox, group therapy, and individual therapy. However, non-traditional therapy in addiction treatment can play a large role in your path to sobriety. Non-traditional therapies such as yoga, meditation, music therapy, art therapy, and adventure therapy can be helpful as you get and stay sober. At Evolve Indy, we believe that the road to sobriety requires traditional and non-traditional approaches.
Types of Non-Traditional Therapy Explained
Non-traditional therapy can include yoga, meditation, music therapy, art therapy, adventure therapy, and more. Non-traditional therapy also referred to as complementary or alternative medicine, is not intended to replace traditional treatment. Researchers have found that the blending of traditional and non-traditional therapy techniques can improve the chances of recovery from addiction.
An ancient practice rooted in Indian philosophy, yoga has gained popularity across the world. Yoga practiced within the United States focuses on physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. Offering many physicians and mental health benefits, yoga can support recovery by relieving stress, creating balance, and supporting good health habits. Research has shown that the inclusion of yoga in addiction treatment offers a more holistic approach that can better support recovery.
Meditation, which can also be referred to as mindfulness meditation, is a practice that focuses on training the mind to be present in the current moment. The focus of meditation is often on being attentive to the current moment without judging it. Meditation is beneficial for those with addiction, depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Researchers have found that meditation coupled with other therapies, can be a vital part of a relapse prevention toolkit.
Music Therapy
Music therapy is very much what it sounds like; it is the therapeutic use of music. Think of the last time you heard a favorite song and how that song changed your mood. Likewise, other songs can cause us to feel more reflective or even sad. Music therapy utilizes activities such as listening, guided imagery, playing music, and music creation to work through emotions and health issues. The beauty of music is that nearly everyone has a connection to it; using it as part of addiction treatment allows for the expression of emotion in a different way.
Art Therapy
Art has long been used for people to express themselves in a different way. While we may not always be able to verbalize our feelings, we might be able to paint, draw, or sculpt them. Skilled artistry is not a requirement for art therapy; often the act of completing the art is in itself therapeutic. The use of art therapy in addiction treatment dates back to the 1950s and focuses on tapping into the creativity of those suffering from addiction as a way to enable them to communicate. After suffering through addiction and all its consequences, it can be very relaxing to focus on activities such as painting and drawing.
Adventure Therapy
Adventure therapy pairs activity with therapy. You might meet with your therapist in the morning and find yourself on a nature hike in the afternoon. Why? Well, research has demonstrated that traditional treatment is more successful when paired with activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and outdoor activities. Much like yoga, adventure therapy adds to the components of movement and group dynamics while taking the therapy on the road. Sometimes just the change of scenery can place things in a different light.
Get Help With Addiction at Evolve Indy
At Evolve Indy, we have programs to meet your needs, and we care about your success in recovery. We have a wide variety of programs that blend traditional and non-traditional therapies to treat addiction. Our programs blend in non-traditional therapy techniques such as yoga, meditation, music therapy, art therapy, and adventure therapy. Contact us today to see how we can best support you in your journey to sobriety.